With the new standard of American Academy of obstetris about low forceps, there were low forceps of 166 in our hospital from 1994. 8 to 1996. 7 of which were divided into groups position of OA and OP that were analyzed impact of low forceps on the maternity and child. The results showed that indication of forceps was deley in the second stage 56% and fetal distress 40 9%, complication of neonatal were trauma of the face, facioplegia, asphyxia and fracturs of the clavicle more often. Compared with two groups: OP group was highter than the OA group P<0.001, complication of mother were trauma of the vaginal wall, trauma of the cervix, and laceration of the perineum. There was no obvious difference as compared with two groups P>0.05. There were 102 cases, inclueling 73 were transfered with your hands from OP to OA, and 29 were not transfer position of fetus. Asphyxia of neonatal were statistically significant as compared with the two groups P<0.001. It indicated that low forceps would be a saften and efficient for assistant means, but low forceps of OP would be caused of bith truma that should be pay attention to by us. The results suggested the forceps for assitant that should be transfer position of fetus from OP to OA to avoid the complication of the mother and children.
Chinese Journal of Birth Health & Heredity
Position of Fetus, Low forceps, Maternal and infant health care.