Objective To evaluate a home-made time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TRFIA) kit for the clinical detection of hepatitis B virus preS1 antigen. Methods An antibody-sandwich based TRFIA kit for developed for the detection of hepatitis B virus preS1 antigen. Results 280 serum samples were tested for hepatitis B virus preS1 antigen with the home-made TRFIA kit and the results were compared with the ELISA method. The home-made TRFIA kit was more specific than the ELISA method. According to the results from 200 normal samples, the cutoff value of the home-made kit was 4.5 times of the negative control fluorescence value The intra- and inter-assay coefficient of variation were 3.4%-7.8% and 6.9%-8.4%, respectively. There was no cross reactivity with HBsAg and HBeAg. Conclusion The developed HBV preS1 TRFIA kit is sensitivity and specific for clinical detection of preS1 antigen.
Journal of Tropical Medicine