
3起老人院诺如病毒胃肠炎暴发疫情分析 被引量:3

Epidemiological Analysis on Three Outbreaks of Norovirus Gastroenteritis in Aged Care Hostel in Foshan
摘要 目的分析3起发生在老人院内的诺如病毒胃肠炎局部暴发疫情的流行特征,为今后预防类似事件的发生提供参考依据。方法收集2007年佛山市老人院诺如病毒胃肠炎暴发疫情现场流行病学调查报告,采用描述性流行病学方法对疫情调查处理情况进行分析。结果2007年佛山市共报告3起老人院诺如病毒胃肠炎暴发疫情,共发病56例,无死亡病例;疫情集中发生在2~3月份;每起疫情均从部分患者粪便标本中检测诺如病毒Ⅱ型核酸;3起疫情主要以人-人密切接触的途径传播。结论早发现、早报告、早处理疫情,以及日常加强院内卫生,强化护工的规范操作,是预防和控制诺如病毒胃肠炎在老人院发生的关键。 Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of outbreaks of Norovirus gastroenteritis inaged care hostels, and to provide reference for prevention of future similar outbreaks. Methods Field epidemiology investigation reports of Norovirus gastroenteritis outbreaks in aged care hotels in Foshan in 2007 were collected for analysis. Descriptive epidemiological method was used to analyze outbreak investigations. Results 3 outbreaks of Norovirus gastroenteritis and 56 cases in aged care hostels were reported in Foshan during February to March in 2007. Norovirus II nucleic acid was detected in some stool specimens from patients in every outbreak. These outbreaks were mainly transmitted through person-to-person closely contact. Conclusion Early detection, early reporting, rapid response, as well as to improve home hygiene and to strengthen care workers' norms of operation, are the keys of prevention and control of Norovirus gastroenteritis outbreak occurred in aged care hostels.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2009年第5期567-569,共3页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
关键词 诺如病毒 胃肠炎 疾病暴发流行 流行病学 老人院 Norovirus gastroenteritis disease outbreak epidemiology home for the aged
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