

Doubtless: "Dreams of Red Mansions" Was Written by Cao But Continued by Gao——Different Accounts of Jia Yucun’s Taking Office When Marrying Jiao Xing
摘要 曹著高续《红楼梦》是新红学派的一大功绩,近年多遭异议。贾雨村初仕时续娶娇杏事件叙述的前后不一为书中自证。他首次被革职前经历的两种说法均不合曹公原意。其实情是:贾雨村中进士后先当一任知县而后擢升知府,赴任途中巧遇娇杏续娶为妾,不到一年被革职于知府任上,前后任官凡5年。高鹗续写雨村作知县时便娶娇杏是错断。历代步其后尘者甚众,以讹传讹,积重难返。此宗牵涉到贾府及诸多人物、事件的发展空间无法链接,甚至被误解为曹公未及审改的舛错或败笔,由此可知高鹗暨后学辈与曹雪芹之间的巨大差距。这种前后不榫合恰恰铸成了曹著高续《红楼梦》难以销匿的铁证。 The New Academy of "Dreams of Red Mansions" studies claims that this novel initially written by Cao Xueqin was continued by Gao'e. Yet this claim has met much opposition in recent years. This paper supports the new school by the fact that the narration of Jia Yucun's marrying Jiao Xing in Chapter Ninety-two was in disagreement with that of Cao's in Chapter Two. And this is a conclusive proof of the new school's claim that the first eighty chapters were written by Cao Xueqin whereas the last forty chapters were composed by Gao'e. According to Cao, Jla got the title of Jinshi and took office first as head of a county and then was promoted to magistrate of a prefecture, and on his way to office, he came across Jiao Xing and then married her, but he was ousted from office as magistrate in no more than a year and by this time he had served office for altogether five years. According Gao, however, Jia married Jiao Xing when he was still head of a county, which is obviously contradictory to Cao's original story. This mistake of Gao was accepted by later scholars and became hard to put right. And it also resulted in the illogicality of many people and events in the Jia family. Some scholars even wrongly blamed Cao, saying that he didn't give a careful proof-reading of the draft after he finished the novel. This paper tries to show that these opinions are no other than a proof that the latter part of this novel was not written by Cao.
作者 王志尧
机构地区 南阳师范学院
出处 《铜仁学院学报》 2009年第2期36-41,共6页 Journal of Tongren University
关键词 曹雪芹 高鹗 贾雨村 娇杏 知县 知府 革职 考辨 Cao Xueqin Gao'e Jia Yucun Jiao Xing head of a county magistrate ousted from office investigation
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  • 1柏 扬中国人史纲[M].









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