
广西6种木本油料植物的资源概况及其在岩溶山区的开发前景 被引量:5

Resources survey of six woody oil plants in Guangxi and their development prospect in Karst mountain region
摘要 茶条木、狗骨木、蒜头果、石栗、东京桐和蝴蝶果等6个树种是高含油量和多用途的木本油料植物,也是具有一定发展前途的生物质能源树种。野外调查表明,茶条木、狗骨木、石栗和蝴蝶果等分布或栽培范围较广,生境类型比较复杂,现存资源量丰富或较多;蒜头果和东京桐的分布范围较窄,现存资源量较少。在育苗造林试验中,6个树种种子的场圃发芽率较高,病虫害少,苗木生长比较迅速,绝大部分可在1~2年内出圃造林;茶条木、狗骨木、石栗、东京桐和蝴蝶果等5个树种的植苗造林成活率较高,蒜头果的直播造林成活率较低,其中茶条木和狗骨木的适应性良好,生长速度较快,东京桐和蒜头果能适应局部小环境但生长较慢,而石栗和蝴蝶果的适应性较差且生长缓慢。通过对比分析各树种野外调查与试验结果,认为茶条木和狗骨木是岩溶山区发展潜力良好和值得重点开发利用的木本油料植物,蝴蝶果和石栗次之,蒜头果和东京桐则较差。 Delavaya toxoearpa, Comus wilsoniana, Malania oleifera, Aleurites moluccana, Deutzianthus tonkiensis and Cleidioearpon eavaleriei are six woody oil plants with high oil content and multipurpose, and they are also tree species as bio-energy with a good development future. Field investigation showed that the Delavaya toxocarpa, Comus wilsoniana, Aleurites moluccana and Cleidiocarpon cavaledei have a wide range of distribution and cultivation with more complicated ecological habitat types and are abundant in quantity. While the distributing ranges of Malania oleifera and Deutzianthus tonkiensis are narrower and the amount is less. The results on raising seedling and afforestation showed that all the six species had a high nursery germination rate of seeds and few diseases and pests, and the seedlings grew well and most of them could be used for afforestation in 1-2 years. The transplanting survival rate of Delavaya toxocarpa, Comus wilsoniana, Aleurites moluecana, Deutzianthus tonkiensis and Cleidiocarpon eavaleriei was high and that of afforestation by plane for Malania oleifera was low. Delavaya toxocarpa and Comus wilsoniana had characteristic of fast growing, and good adaptability to climatic conditions and soil types. Deutzianthus tonkiensis and Malania oleifera could adapt to local micro-environment but have low growth rate, and Aleurites moluecana and Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei had poor adaptability and low growth rate. Compared with the results on field investigation and experiments, it was found that Delavaya toxoearpa and Comus wilsoniana were the best woody oil plant with good development potential and worth to exploit in Karst mountain region, Cleidiocarpon cavaleriei and Aleurites moluceana took the second place, and Malania oleifera and Deutzianthus tonkiensis were the worst.
出处 《广西农业科学》 CSCD 2009年第4期395-399,共5页 Guangxi Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2006BAC01A10) 中国科学院西部行动计划项目(KZCX2-XB2-08) 广西科学基金项目(桂科基0639048)
关键词 木本油料植物 分布 生境 育苗 造林 岩溶山区 开发应用前景 广西 woody oil plants distribution habitat seedling raising afforestation development prospect Guangxi
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