介绍了使用MICROSTATION V8软件中GEOPAK模块通过构建不规则三角网和格网自动内插等高线和高程点的方法。结合在兰渝铁路预可研阶段N34和N35测段将1∶10000地形图扩编成1∶2000地形图的实例,阐述了该方法用于地形图编辑的作业流程及其技巧,以进一步推广应用。
The author introduces the GEOPAK module in the process of using MICROSTATION V8 software based on high line and elevation point methods of establishing triangular irregular network and network automatic interpolation. Combining with the practical example of expanding the 1 : 10 000 map into 1:2 000 map in the N34 and N35 testing section of the Lan-Yu railway pre-researched period, the author describes the operation procedures and technology of this method as map compilation, so as to improve the application further.
Shanxi Architecture