
熟人社会的性质 被引量:62

The Nature of Acquaintance Society
摘要 从村庄经验层面来考察熟人社会的性质,熟人社会的基础是"自己人认同",其现实表现是人情、面子、信任与规则。与费孝通先生关于"地缘"的论述不同,笔者认为地缘关系也可以通过"内部化机制"形成"自己人认同",进而完善其熟人社会的性质。由此,血缘关系和地缘关系可以形成不同的熟人社会组织形态,但是两者发生作用的机制重点却不同。在河南董北村,以血缘关系为基础的"自己人认同"非常强烈,所以影响农民生活的重要机制并非内部化机制,而是"内部人行为机制",这是因为农民要面对家族大小和姓氏区分的问题,在熟人社会圈和"自己人认同"的框架中如何行为就是农民首先要面对的问题。而在贵州聚合村,熟人社会形成的基础就是以地缘关系为基础的人情往来的进行,这种低成本普遍性的人情往来强化了农民的"自己人认同",这是对于农民日常生活相当重要的"内部化机制"。地缘关系不注重家族的大小和姓氏的区分,重要的是如何把没有血缘关系的人转化为自己人,当"内部化机制"完善以后,村庄社区就具有了熟人社会的性质。如此,熟人社会的二维框架就可以作为分析众多村庄政治社会现象的基础。 Inspects the nature of acquaintance society from the village experience, the acquaintance society's foundation is "the person on one's own side approves", its reality performance is the human sentiment, the face, the trust and the rule. The author thought that the geography relations may also form "the person on one's own side to approve" form "the internalization mechanism", which could consummate the nature of acquaintance society, It is different with Mr. Fei Xiaotong's viewpoint about "geography" . Then, the blood relationship and the geography relations may form the different acquaintance Social organization shape, with the different emphasis on reaction mechanism. In Dongbei village at Henan province, "one of us approves" is intense, which take the blood relationship as the foundation. Therefore the importance is "the insider behavior mechanism", but not internalization mechanism. This is because the farmer wants to face the question of family size and surname discrimination, how to behavior is the first question in the frame of acquaintance society circle and "the person on one's own side approves". But in Juhe village at Guizhou province, the foundation of acquaintance society is human sentiment, which strengthened "the person on one's own side to approve" with this kind of low cost and universal human sentiment, and which is regarding the farmer daily life quite important "the internalization mechanism". The geography relations do not pay great attention to the family size and the surname discrimination, the importance is how to have the no blood relationship person to transform as the person on one's own side. When "internalization mechanism" is consummation, the village community had the acquaintance society's nature. So, the acquaintance society's two-dimensional frame may take as the foundation to analyse villages' of political and social phenomenon.
作者 宋丽娜
出处 《中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2009年第2期118-124,共7页 Journal of China Agricultural University;Social Sciences
关键词 熟人社会 内部化机制 内部人行为机制 血缘 地缘 Acquaintance society The person on one's own side to approve The insider behavior mechanism Blood relationship Geography relationship
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