
角色投入对工作满意度和生活满意度的影响 被引量:16

The Impact of Role Involvement on Job and Life Satisfaction
摘要 角色投入会导致角色内冲突的可能性,工作投入和家庭投入会导致工作家庭冲突并对一系列组织行为变量产生影响。在中国文化背景下通过调查291名已婚工作者,研究工作投入和家庭投入对两类工作家庭冲突以及工作满意度和生活满意度的影响,并讨论了工作家庭冲突的中介效应。研究结果表明,工作投入对工作-家庭冲突有显著正向预测作用,家庭投入对家庭-工作冲突也有显著正向预测作用;工作投入与工作满意度显著正相关,家庭投入与生活满意度显著正相关;工作-家庭冲突在工作投入对工作满意度影响过程中起到了部分中介作用,家庭-工作冲突在家庭投入对生活满意度影响过程中起到了部分中介作用。 Role involvement will conduce to the possibility of role conflict. Job involvement and family involvement will lead to work family conflict and impact the organizational behavior. The research investigates and analyzes the impact of job involvement and family involvement on the two types of work family conflict and job and life satisfaction, and we also discuss the mediate effect of work and family conflict. 291 married workers in China participated in the present study. The results indicat that: (1) Job involvement is positively related to work-to-family conflict (WFC) while family involvement is positively related to family-to-work conflict (FWC); (2) There is significant positive relation between job involvement and job satisfaction, and the positive relation between family involvement and life satisfaction is validated; (3) WFC partially mediates the relation between job involvement and life satisfaction, whereas FWC partially mediates the relation between family involvement and life satisfaction.
出处 《管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第5期61-69,85,共10页 Management Review
关键词 工作投入 家庭投入 工作-家庭冲突 家庭-工作冲突 工作满意度 生活满意度 job involvement family involvement work-to-family conflict family-to-work conflict job satisfaction life satisfaction
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