

Research on the evolving characters of stress-strain in cold rolling of T-shaped section ring
摘要 基于T形截面环件冷辗扩的数值模拟研究,揭示了该工艺中环件的应力应变的演变特征。外环面附近以及与芯辊接触的内环面附近压应力作用较强,而填充部分前端和环件心部拉应力作用较强;随着加工过程的推进,拉应力作用逐渐减弱。在周向上应变分布几乎相同,环件轴向对称面附近的金属产生压缩类变形,而其余金属产生拉伸类变形。环件心部和型槽入口处附近最有可能产生裂纹等缺陷。通过多道次加工或者适当增加每转进给量可降低产生裂纹。 Cold ring rolling process is an advanced continuous local metal forming technology and is extensively used for the precision forming of profiled rings. Based on the numerical simulating investigation of the T-shaped section ring cold rolling process, the evolving characters of the stress and strain of ring are analyzed and revealed. Near the outer surface and the inner surface which contacts with the mandrel, the effect of pressure stress is stronger, however, at the front end of the filling part and in the ring core, the effect of tension stress is stronger; With the proceeding of the process, effect of tension stress is weakening. Strain distributes almost similarly along the circumferential direction: the metal near axial symmetry plane produces tensile type of deformation and the rest produces compressive type of deformation. The regions around the ring core and the entrance of the groove are the most probable to produce defects, such as crack. By multi-process or increasing the feeding amount per revolution properly, the danger of crack can be decreased.
作者 李兰云 杨合
出处 《重型机械》 2009年第3期16-21,共6页 Heavy Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(50335060) 国家杰出青年科学基金项目(50225518)
关键词 环件冷辗扩 应力状态 应变状态 ring cold rolling stress state strain state
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