Cerebrovenous Doppler was performed with a range gated 2.0 MHz transducer in 160 healthy volunteers and patients without central nervous disorders ranging in age from 17 to 79 years ( 48.5 ±11.8 years). A venous signal away from the probe and paralleling the middle cerebral artery was interpreted as corresponding to the deep middle cerebral vein(DMCV), a venous signal away from the probe and adjacent to the posterior cerebral artery was considered to correspond to the basal vein of Rosenthal (BVR). The straight sinus signal was detected through an occipital window, the flow direction was toward the probe. The mean flow velocity(Vmax) of the three venous signals was 9.1±2.9 cm/s, 9.2 ±2.7 cm/s, 12.9±5.7 cm/s, and the percent of signals were found in 88.3%, 99.9%,99.9% respectively. We have shown that TCD is valuable to detect the deep cerebral veins. It may provide a rapid, reliable, noninvasive, and low priced technique for cerebral venous hemodynamics examination and evolution.
Chinese Journal of Ultrasonography