
垃圾填土压缩特性的室内试验研究 被引量:7

Research on compressibility of municipal solid waste by laboratory tests
摘要 在调查分析了典型生活垃圾填埋场成分组成的基础上,配制了9组具有不同初始物理力学性质的垃圾土,共54个试样,进行室内常规固结试验。试样有两种尺寸,用来对比试样尺寸的影响;着重分析了初始含水量W、初始孔隙比e0及易降解有机物含量B0对垃圾填土压缩性的影响。试样的初始孔隙比变化范围为:e0为2.5~4.6;初始含水量w的变化为50%~100%;易降解有机物含量B0为10.1%~45.1%。分析结果表明,压缩指数Cc为0.824 2~1.234 6;修正压缩指数Cc′为0.165 9~0.243 6,与国内外相似研究的取值基本一致。提出了考虑垃圾填土初始物理参数的压缩参数建议取值方法,为指导工程实践提供参考。 54 samples, which are divided into 9 groups, are carried out in the lab to study the relationship among compression index of solid wastes, moisture content, organic content and void ratio. There are two groups of samples with different dimensions used to contrast the influences on dimensions. The influences of initial water content (w), initial void ratio (e0) and the content of easily degradable organic (B0) on compressibility of solid waste are analyzed emphatically, e0 changes from 2.5 to 4.6; w changes from 50 % to 100 %; B0changes from 10.1% to 45.1%. The results show that compression indexes are from 0.824 2 to 1.234 6; modified indexes are from 0.165 9 to 0.243 6; they are basically consistent with similar foreign research results. The suggested value taking method of compression parameters considering initial physical parameters of municipal solid waste is proposed. It provides references for engineering practice.
出处 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1681-1686,共6页 Rock and Soil Mechanics
关键词 垃圾填土 室内压缩固结试验 压缩指数 municipal solid waste laboratory consolidation test compression parameter
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