本文总结了作者近几年在信息系统(IS)总体规划方面的研究与实践。文章提出了 IS 的组成模型和基于该模型的 IS 建设概念;深入分析了数据稳定性原理,论述了总体数据规划在 IS 建设中的核心与奠基作用;提出了一套行之有效的总体数据规划方法和文档资料规范;最后探讨了总体规划的有关策略。
In this paper,the auther summarizes one's studies and practices for information systems(IS)in re- cent years.The paper puts forward a model and a concept of IS construction based on the model.Principle of data steadi- ness is analyzed in details.Kernel and role of foundation—stone for strategic data—planning in IS construction are dis- cussed.A complete and efficient methods and documents for strategic data—planning are provided,tn the last section, we talk about the strategies related to the plan.
Computer and Communications