
理解性学习思潮在美国的兴起及其对我国教育的意蕴 被引量:7

The Emergence of the Trend of Thought of Learning with Understanding in U.S.and Its Implications on Chinese Education
摘要 世纪之交的美国教育界和学术界兴起了一股强劲的强调理解性学习的思潮。本文挖掘了这股思潮兴起背后的根源以及理解性学习的内涵,并通过对该思潮兴起过程的回顾,呈现了当前美国学界对理解性学习的主要观点,最后探讨了这股思潮对我国教育所蕴含的启示。 At the turn of the century, the trend of thought of emphasizing learning with understanding is advocated by U.S. researchers and educators. This thesis probes into the root causes of the emergence of this trend of thought and its propositions. Then, through a review of the process of its emergence, the article presents the main views of U.S. scholars on learning with understanding, and finally it elaborates on the implications of this trend of thought on Chinese education.
作者 陈家刚
出处 《现代教育论丛》 2009年第4期71-74,38,共5页 Modern Education Review
关键词 理解 理解性学习 美国教育 启示 understanding, learning with understanding, American education, implications
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