Aim To evaluate the therapeutic effect of specific removal of circulating tumor necrosis factor α (TNF α) by immunoabsorption in endotoxin shock. Methods Some New Zealand white rabbits were injected intravenously with Lipopolysaccharide (LPS, Escherichia coli O 111 :B 4 8.0×10 9 cfu/kg.B.W) and underwent hemoperfusion through the immunoabsorbent colums against TNF α at 1 hour after being injected with LPS. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), plasma levels of TNF α, serum levels of alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alpha hydrobulyric dehydrogenase (HBDH) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP), as well as blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinine (Cr) were detected. The survival rate of rabbits at 24 hours was observed, too. Results Immunoabsorption could remove the circulating TNF α rapidly and effectively, raise MAP significantly, ameliorate the LPS induced renal dysfunction, and delay and attenuate the injury of liver, myocardium, cellular membranes and lysosomes in endotoxin shock. Moreover, the survival rate of rabbits at 24 hours increased, too. Conclusion Specific removal of circulating TNF α by immunoabsorption may be a new and effective therapy for endotoxin shock.
Chinese Journal of Trauma