本文介绍 WILD T2000S 电子经纬仪、GRE3数据终端与 PC—1500计算机之间的信息通讯系统,以及 PC—1500与 PDP—11系列计算机之间的通讯系统。使用该通讯系统可方便地将 T2000电子经纬仪所测数据传送给计算机处理,计算机可将程序及相应控制信号直接传送给 GRE3,从而实现控制测量数据的自动记录、传输和处理,即实现测量控制网自动化,然后再人工输入计算机处理。
A computer communication system which is made of WILD T2000S,GRE3,PC-1500 and PDP-11 is presented.The data may be transmitted from T2000S to the computer,and the computer may forward program and control signal to GRE3 by using the system,The refore,measuring data can be automatically recorded, transmitted and processed,Automation of measuring control network can be realized by the solution.
Computer and Communications