
一种实用的轻量级RFID安全协议研究 被引量:5

Research of a Practical Lightweight RFID Security Protocol
摘要 RFID的安全问题是RFID应用中的关键问题之一。RFID标签计算资源有限,因此旨在研究一种轻量级且具有一定安全性的RFID安全协议,使得标签端的协议不包含复杂的加密操作,只包含异或和简单逻辑控制。证明了"RFID标签最小限度密码算法"存在弱点,并针对该弱点提出了信道加密等3点改进方法,改进后攻击者不能直接计算密码而需强力攻击。实验结果表明,改进后,破解所需时间和所需记录数都增加,且破解难度随着信道密码长度的增加呈指数增加而加密复杂度呈线性增加。另外改进后对硬件需求的增加不多。该协议有助于在低成本RFID标签上实现较高安全性的RFID安全协议。 RFID security is a key issue in RFID application. According to limited computational resources of RFID tags, we aimed to design a lightweight RFID security protocol with appropriate security, which has no complicated cryptographic operations in the tag side, but only XOR and simple logical control. The paper proved that there is weakness in "Minimalist Cryptography for Low-Cost RFID Tags", and according to this weakness, the paper promoted three methods, including channel encryption. Attackers can't compute the key directly with the improved protocol, but must resort to brute-force search. The experimental result showed that the cracking time and the record number needed for cracking increased with improved protocol, and the cracking difficulty increases exponentially when the length of channel key increases,but the encryption complication increases in linear. Furthermore, the hardware requirement doesn 't increase much. The protocol helps to realize relatively high security in low-cost RFID tags.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期105-107,118,共4页 Computer Science
基金 天津市自然科学基金项目(06YFJMJC00200)资助
关键词 RFID 安全 隐私 轻量级 RFID,Security,Privacy, Lightweight
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