1A Phoenix Initiative Report, Strategic Leadership: Framework For a 21st Century National Security Strategy, Center for a New American Security, p. 3.
2Helen Milner, "The Assumption of Anarchy in International Relations Theory", Review of International Studies, January 1991, pp. 81 -82.
3A Phoenix Initiative Report, Strategic Leadership: Framework For a 21st Century National Security Strategy, Center for a New American Security, pp. 11 -12.
4Stephen J. Randall, The American Foreign Policy Transtion: Barack Obama in Power, Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, Vol. 11, Issues 1 and 2, Fall and Winter 2008/9, http://www, jmss. org/ 2009/winter/articles/randall - us - 2009. pdf.
5Barack Obama, " Renewing American Leadership", Foreign Affairs, July/August 2007, p. 42.
6Kenneth N. Waltz, Theory of International politics, Addison - Wesley Press, 1979, pp. 78 - 83.
7A Phoenix Initiative Report, Strategic Leadership: Framework For a 21st Century National Security Strategy, Center for a New American Security, p. 12.
8Anne - Marie Slaughter, America's Edge : Power in the Network Century, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2009, p. 94.
9Anne - Marie Slaughter, America's Edge: Power in the Network Century, Foreign Affairs, January/February 2009, p. 101.
10Kenneth N.Waltz, Theory of'lnternatio-nal Polities, p. 105.