1Barack H. Obama, " Renewing American Leadership", Foreign Affairs, July/August 2007, pp. 2 - 16.
2Barack H. Obama, Inaugural Address, January 21st, 2009, http ://www. whitehouse, gov/blog/inaugural - address/.
3Barack H. Obama , Address to Joint Session of Congress, Feb- ruary 24, 2009, http ://www. whitehouse, gov/the_press_office/Remarks - of - President - Barack - Obama - Address - to - Joint - Session - of - Congress/.
4Hillary R. Clinton, Nomination Statement before the Senate, Jan. 13, 2009, http ://foreign. senate, gov/testimony/2009/ClintonTestimony090113a, pdf.
5Hillary R. Clinton, Remarks at the Asia Society, U. S. - A- sia Relations: Indispensable to Our Future, February 13, 2009, http ://www. state, gov/secretary/rm/2009a/02/117333, htm.
6Bobby Ghosh, "Obama Afghanistan Plan Breaks Old Ground", Time, Mar. 28, 2009, http ://www. time. com/time/nation/article/0, 8599, 1888257, 00. html. Robert Kagan, "Foreign Policy Sequels", Washington Post, March 9, 2009, http ://www. washingtonpost, com/wp - dyn/content/article/2009/03/08/AR2009030801493, html.
7Thomas L. Friedman, "Radical in the White House", The New York Times, January 20, 2009, http ://www. nytimes, com/2009/01/21/ opinion/21 friedman, html?_r = 1.
8Lawrence Freedman, " Change an Enemy Can Believe in ", Globe and Mail, March 28, 2009.