
两种测量软件在杏仁核体积测量中的比较 被引量:3

Comparative study of amygdala volumetric measurements between Midob and Aquariusws software
摘要 目的对比分析Midob(Mi)与Aquariusws(Aq)测量软件在MR图像上测量杏仁核体积的应用。方法在T1加权三维磁化强度预备梯度回波序列大脑MR图像上,用Mi和Aq测量软件分别测量31名健康成年人双侧杏仁核的体积,并对体积指标进行标准化处理。结果高分辨率MR三维图像应用不同的测量软件能分辨杏仁核界限,两种测量软件所得杏仁核体积差异无统计学意义(t=0.77,P>0.05)。结论Mi和Aq测量软件对杏仁核体积测量一致性高,适于临床推广应用。 Objective To compare the discriminative ability of MRI volumetric amygdala measurements between Midob (Mi) and Aquariusws (Aq) measuring software, and to evaluate their clinical value for amygdala measurements. Methods The study group consisted of 31 healthy control subjects. Mi and Aq volumetric measurements of the bilateral amygdala formations, amygdala volumes were performed on the serial reconstructed MR images. Discriminant analysis was used to identify measurements independently contributing to discriminating between Mi and Aq subjects. Results All amygdala measurements of 31 healthy control subjects were no significantly different between Mi and Aq volumetric measurements (t= 0. 77, P〉0.05). Conclusion Mi and Aq volumetric measuring software of MRI amygdala structures have high consistency, and both software are suitable for clinical application.
出处 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期890-893,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging Technology
基金 国家科委863计划(2006AA02z391) 科技部(2005CB522800,2004CB318101) 国家自然科学基金委(30621004) 中国科学院知识创新工程
关键词 杏仁核 磁共振成像 人体测量术 Amygdala Magnetic resonance imaging Anthropometry
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