本文介绍了"医学影像计算机网络管理系统"的设计原则、技术实现、系统功能及应用。本系统在VB.NET(Visual Basic.NET)平台上开发,通过ADO.NET(Active X Data Object.NET)技术访问数据库,采用C/S/S三层体系结构实现数据的存储、通讯,实现了医学影像及文本信息的数字化管理。
Medical image of computer network management system is developed on the VB.NET (Visual Basic.NET) platform. It accesses the database through ADO.NET (Active X Data Object.NET) and accomplishes data storage and communications with C/S/S. It also can implement medical image and text information with digital Management. This article describes the design principle, technology, function and application of the medical image of computer network management system.
China Medical Devices