
C_f/Al-4.5Cu 复合材料界面微结构的研究 被引量:4

Study of Interface Microstructure of C_f/Al_45Cu Composites
摘要 利用挤压铸造法制造了Cf/Al45Cu复合材料,并在透射电子显微镜上分析了其界面的微观结构特征。结果表明:Cf/Al45Cu复合材料界面存在CuAl2与Al4C3析出相,Al4C3呈细棒状,而CuAl2相表现为柱状、块状和片状;由于碳纤维与Al45Cu基体间热膨胀系数不匹配产生的热应力及挤压铸造过程中Al45Cu基体产生塑性变形,使得在界面附近的基体中和CuAl2相中产生大量位错缺陷。Cf/Al45Cu复合材料界面具有“轻微反应型界面”的典型特征,适度界面反应有助于复合材料本身机械性能的提高;但是CuAl2相在界面上析出却对复合材料的性能产生极大的危害。 In the paper,C_f/Al_45Cu composites was fabricated by squeeze cast method,and then the interfacial microstructures of C_f/Al_45Cu composites have been studied by TEMExperimental results show that there were CuAl_2 and Al_4C_3 phase on the interface of C_f/Al_45Cu composites,the shape of Al_4C_3 phase showed as the sticklike,and the shape of CuAl_2 phase respectively showed as the pillarlike,chunklike and slicelikeWhen the composites was cooled from elevated temperatures of processing,misfit strains occurred due to differential thermal contraction at the C_f/Al_45Cu interface which were sufficient to generate dislocations in the matrix and CuAl_2 phaseC_f/Al_45Cu composites possessed the typical character of the interface reacted slightly,suitable interface reaction would be conductive to improve the mechanical properties of the composites,but the produced CuAl_2 phase on the interface would be harmful to the properties of the composites
出处 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1998年第6期17-19,22,共4页 Journal of Materials Engineering
基金 高等学校博士点基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 复合材料 界面 位错 金属基 微结构 composites interface CuAl_2 phase Al_4C _3 phase dislocation
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