
韩国的农村开发事业及其影响 被引量:3

The Rural Development Projects and it's Impact in Korea
摘要 在产业化、城市化、国际化发展进程中,世界各国都存在三农问题。各国政府积极探讨三农问题的解决方法,采取了不同的政策措施。基于对国内外农村开发政策及其问题的考察和对韩国农村地区开发情况以及存在问题的考察,运用计量方法可以科学地分析韩国农村开发事业对地区的影响,从而提出推动农村社会发展的对策。计量分析结果显示,韩国农村开发事业的生产诱发效果2004年为3 733.572亿韩元、2005年为4 334.939亿韩元、2006年为2 068.79亿韩元,附加价值诱发效果2004年为2 000.827亿韩元、2005年达到2 322.832亿韩元、2006年为1 108.668亿韩元,表明该事业对地区的影响比较大。在今后的工作中,应该通过进一步促进开发事业,减少居民之间的冲突,提高居民生活质量,把韩国农村改造成为能给城市居民提供休闲娱乐的舒适空间。 Industrialization, urbanization and globalization is happening fight now in each country of the world. At the same time, they have been facing with the issues of agriculture, farmers and rural areas in recent years. In this regard, the parpose of this study is to grasp the investment scale and analysis the effects on the region of rural development projects in Korea. I used the in- put - output analysis to find the effects on the rural regions using the data of 2004, 2005 and 2006. In the results of this study, 373 357.2miUion won of general production worth and 200082.7 million won of added value will be created by the investment program for the project of 2004. Also, according to this analysis, production worth and added value for the 2005 and 2006~ plans were 433 493.9million won, 206 879.0 million won and 232 283.2 million won, 110 866.8 million won, respectively. Accordingly, It realized the fact that the practice of a comprehensive plan to improve the live level of the rural residents, and to provide the rest space for urban residents is very important.
作者 金钟燮
出处 《东北亚论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期91-98,共8页 Northeast Asia Forum
关键词 韩国 投入产出分析 生产诱发效果 附加价值诱发效果 中长期支援计划 Korea Input - Output Analysis Production Inducement Effect Added - Value Effect Long - term Support Plan
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