When institutions of higher education are promoting "one-stop services" for their distance education programs, they do not appear (at the moment) overly eager to bring a tool like Facebook in the neatly bundled services currently available through their course management systems (CMSs) such as Angel or Blackboard. Higher education is not yet ready to surrender the shackles of CMSs where students' minds are (theoretically) more attuned and receptive to learning. However, other social networking tools (e.g. blogs, wikis, and podcasts) appear to be more readily adopted in distance education than Facebook. Note that integration rather than replacement of CMSs is the only role that these tools are currently suited (or. Facebook clearly provides a social outlet for college students, a fact backed by the large membership among this peer group. Socializing, however its unintended outcomes, is part and parcel of education of the whole person. Facebook has its place in that sense, but there seems to be a lack of any compelling reason to significantly integrate it into distance education. Students could use it as a secondary information exchange outlet in a cooperative learning mode with classmates that they have invited in their space, to complete group projects, for example. The services offered through Facebook (e.g. chatting, meeting new classmates, arranging for social/academic meetings) can well be attained using the current technologies in CMSs without the risk of security breaches and other legal matters pervasive in social networking websites. It is possible that current perceptions about Facebook use in network learning communities could change overnight based on new developments in Facebook, technology integration, and a shift in thinking among distance education administrators about the role of this technology in promoting learning (e.g. time on task) within the environment that some students spend a significant amount of time. Facebook entry may be very cosy but I admit to wanting to get beneath the skin of this technology and is exploring it for academic use. I very interested in it as a potential way for students working together remotely rather than having to be in a physical space.
Journal of Tianjin Radio and Television University