
儿童颅骨生长性骨折的临床研究 被引量:3

Clinical Characteristics of Growing Skull Fractures in Children
摘要 目的:探讨儿童颅骨生长性骨折(GSF)的形成机制,诊断和治疗。方法:对我院15例GSF患儿的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果:15例患儿均有颅脑外伤史,致颅骨线性骨折,骨折线进行性增宽,颅骨缺损,术中均发现有硬脑膜破裂。15例患儿均行手术治疗,3例患儿手术后出现脑积水并予脑室-腹腔(V-P)分流术。结论:颅骨骨折和硬脑膜破裂是发生GSF最重要的因素;患儿发生颅骨线性骨折后应定期复查头部CT,一旦确诊为GSF须行颅骨成形手术治疗;儿童GSF手术后出现的脑积水行V-P分流术治疗效果较好。 Objective: To discuss the pathogensis, diagnosis and treatment of growing skull fractures (GSF) in children. Methods: 15 cases with growing skull fractures were investigated retrospectively in west china hospital. Resuits:All of 15 cases have the history of skull trauma, leading a linear fracture and progressed widening or defect of fracture line. All cases were operated and a dural laceration along the fracture line was noted in operation. And 3 cases were performed ventriculo-peritioneal (V-P) shunt operation due to hydrencephalus after the operation. Conclusion: The skull fractures and dural laceration are considered the most important factors in the pathogenesis of GSF. Children with a linear fracture of skull bone should be regularly underwent CT scan of skull, cranioplasty surgery is necessary once the GSF was diagnosed. The ventriculo-peritioneal (V-P) shunt operation is the effective treatment for the hydrencephalus after cranioplasty surgery.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2009年第4期814-816,共3页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 儿童 颅骨生长性骨折 外伤后脑积水 颅骨成形术 children growing skull fracture hydrencephalus cranioplasty surgery
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