
区间数型多目标联运路线优化问题的模型与算法 被引量:2

Model and Algorithm for Interval Multi-object Route Optimization Problem in Multimodal Transport
摘要 联运路线优化问题直接关系到货物运输的费用、时间和运输质量.首先分析了联运路线优化问题的数学模型及虚拟运输网络图;其次,将区间数排序的思想及属性值为区间数的多属性决策方法引入适应度函数的设计中,提出了一种求解区间数型联合运输路线优化问题的混合型遗传算法,给出了染色体编码、遗传算子设计、适应度函数定义及群体多样性控制的方法;最后用示例对算法的有效性进行了验证. Route optimization problem in multimode transportation directly influences the freightage cost, freightage time and freightage quality. Firstly, the mathematics model and virtual transportation network for interval route optimization problem in multimodal transport is analyzed. Secondly, the ideas of interval data sequencing and multi-attribute decision making method dealing with problems with interval attributes value are introduced into the design of fitness function, and a hybrid genetic algorithm is presented for solving interval route optimization problem in multimodal transport. The design of chromosome coding, genetic operators, fitness function and population diversity controlling method is also proposed. Finallv, experiments and results are given to prove the effectiveness of the algorithm.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期75-82,共8页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
关键词 联合运输 路线优化 混合遗传算法 区间数 multimodal transport route optimization problem hybrid genetic algorithm interval data
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