
中国宏观调控的调控区域划分研究 被引量:5

Research on the Division of Controlling Region for China's Macro-controlling
摘要 我国不同区域对宏观调控的反应不同。进行有利于宏观调控的区域划分原则是:生产力布局,经济区域基础条件,确保调控政策顺畅实施。宏观调控经济区域的划分依据是:调控区域内部是统一市场,是完整行政区域组合,是有地理联系的自然板块,内部要素能够自由流动。本文选取了反映经济社会基本情况、综合经济实力、竞争能力、对外经济联系的四类指标,利用聚类分析方法判断后发现宏观调控经济区域划分每年的情况均不相同,进而提出"动态经济板块"设想。为在宏观调控中体现科学发展的内涵,建议实施宏观调控要考虑经济区域性质差异,掌握好货币政策、财政政策的力度和时机,在注重市场体系建设的同时搞好区域发展规划。 The reactions to the macro-controlling are not same in differently developed regions in our country. The principle of region division for better macro-controlling is that: the productivity distribution, the basic condition in economy region, and ensuring the macro-controlling policy get smoothly carry out. The division basis of economy region on macro-controlling is that: it is an integrated market in the controlled region, it is an association of administrative region, it is a natural plate with geography relation, and the key elements can flow freely in the region. The article choose four types of index which include the index reflecting the basic condition on economy and social, the comprehensive economy level, the competitive capacity and the foreign economy relation. With the K-means method, the article found that the division on macro-controlling region is different every year, so it proposed the hypothesis "moving economy plate". For reflecting the scientific development in the macro-controlling the article advised implementing macro-controlling have to think out the difference on economy region quality, master the time and measurement of monetary policy and financial policy, pay attention to the construction on market system and make region development planning better at the same time.
作者 周达 刘瑞
出处 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期42-50,共9页 China Industrial Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“科学发展观在完善宏观调控体系中的体现研究”(批准号 07&ZD005-KTJB01)
关键词 宏观调控 区域划分 动态经济板块 科学发展观 macro-controlling region delimitation moving economy plate scientific development concept
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