Facing the challenges in the conservation practices with the on-farm conservation and its corresponding measures of upland rice local species, this study went further advocated by previous studies. It selected the Jiangtou Manmi village as case study site, which is located in Jinghong, Xishuangbanna prefecture of Yunnan, one of the world centers in upland rice diversification and conservation. Based on the land-use decision-making behavioral model, through field investigation, panel discussions, and in-depth interviews with key villagers, the villagers' planting decision-making objectives, processes, and influential factors were analyzed. It further explored the evo- lution process of upland rice cultivation and the changes in the driving forces of the on-farm conservation. The in- vestigation and analysis revealed: ( 1 ) the changes in upland rice cultivation area have experienced several sta- ges: from scratch to a gradual expansion, and later a gradual reduction with the corresponding increase of rubber plantation, and finally a complete disappearance; (2) the changes in the consumption and the land-use objec- tives of the villagers reveal that although the traditional culture and the upload rice plantation exist a close linkage, with the diversification of the consumer demands and the villagers' income sources, the status of upland rice has declined in the changing local culture; (3) while the cash income has become the influential factor in the villagers' land use decision and selection of planting species, upland rice traditionally as the main source of in- come did not rise with increase of its market value, which shows that there exist obstacles to the realization of e- conomic force to drive the up-taking of upland rice cultivation; (4) the selection of planting species by individual villagers was limited by their decision-making environments, which lead to the variation of the validity of the on- farm conservation on large scale and on individual locales. Based on the above, the study explored the internal re- lationship between the micro level mechanisms, the individual behaviors, and the macro level exhibition of the sharp decreasing of the plantation area of the upland rice (or even the complete disappearance of local species in some cases) . The study pointed out the grim reality and the future obstacles in the conservation of upland rice farming and promoted a supporting system model to deal with those challenges.
Yunnan Geographic Environment Research
upland rice
diversity of local species
on-farm conservation
decision behavior
Jinghong City