
内镜下卢戈氏液染色对早期食管癌及癌前病变的诊断研究 被引量:10

Endoscopic Lugo′s solution on the stain and early esophageal cancer
摘要 目的探讨卢戈氏液染色对食管表浅病变的临床及病理诊断价值。方法对普通胃镜下发现的食管可疑病变,用2%卢戈氏液染色,观察病变染色程度,并进行活组织病理学检查。将病理结果与染色结果进行比较。结果(1)普通胃镜检查发现178例食管表浅病变,其中食管鳞癌39例,食管重度不典型增生7例,食管中度不典型增生31例,食管轻度不典型增生14例,慢性食管炎57例,鳞状上皮增生30例。(2)卢戈氏液染色后食管癌及癌前病变主要表现为卢戈氏液不染和淡染,其准确性为61.5%;卢戈氏液不染诊断食管癌和食管重度不典型增生准确性高达95.6%。结论内镜下卢戈氏液染色结合活检对判断食管表浅病灶的性质具有重要的价值。 Objective To investigate clinical and pathological diagnosis value of Lugo's solution on the stain superficial esopha- geal lesions. Methods General esophageal endoscopy found under suspicious lesions,Lugo 2% of the liquid dye to observe the stai- ning lesions,biopsy and pathological examination. Pathology results and the results of dye were compared. Results (1)Gastroscopy general found 178 cases of superficial esophageal lesions, of which 39 cases of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, severe esophageal dysplasia 7 cases,moderate esophageal dyspiasia in 31 cases,esophageal mild dysplasia in 14 cases, chronic esophagitis in 57 cases,30 cases of squamous cell hyperplasia. (2) Lugo's solution dyeing, esophageal cancer and precancerous lesions mainly Lugo's solution was not light pollution and pollution, for the accuracy of its 61.5 percent;Lugo's Non-staining liquid esophagus and esoph- ageal cancer diagnosis of severe dysplasia as high as 95.6 percent accuracy. Conclusion Endoscopic Lugo's solution staining com- bined with superficial esophageal biopsy of the lesion have important value in diagnosing saperficial esophageal lesion.
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期1365-1366,共2页 Chongqing medicine
关键词 卢戈氏液染色 食管表浅病变 食管癌 病理诊断 lugo staining liquid superficial esophageal lesions esophageal cancer pathology diagnosis
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