
糖微阵列技术在糖组学研究中的进展 被引量:1

Advance in Technology of Glyco-microarray for Glycomics
摘要 聚糖多以蛋白质和脂配基形式存在,在生物体内的信息传递、细胞识别和蛋白质折叠等生物过程中具有十分重要作用,是继核酸和蛋白质之后被发现的第三类生物信息分子。但聚糖结构复杂,并存在大量异构体,无法象DNA一样进行合成和测序。根据聚糖分子能够与凝集素或糖结合蛋白特异性结合,提出并发展了糖微阵列技术。此技术在聚糖结构与功能研究中已显示出优越性。通过对糖微阵列构建方式及检测方法的探讨,对近些年来糖微阵列技术的发展进行了综述。 Most of glycan are linked in protein and lipid molecules as ligand. Glycan which has been assigned as bioinformatic molecule following DNA and protein, is significant in the process of information transmission, cellular recognition and protein folding. The complicated structure and isomers of glycan can not be synthesized and sequenced easily like DNA. However, it has been proved that glycan can interact specially with lectin or carbohydrate-binding protein, which can be assessed by high-through detection of glyco-microarray technology. The establishment and advantages of glyco-microarray in studying the structure and function of carbohydrate was reviewed in this paper.
出处 《生物技术通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期67-70,共4页 Biotechnology Bulletin
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670067)
关键词 糖微阵列 聚糖 糖生物学 荧光检测 凝集素 Glyco-microarray Glycan Glycobiology Fluorescence detection Lectin
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