
创新实践追求最佳热水锅炉锅内水处理技术 被引量:1

Find proper scal and corrosion inhibitor for water boiler based on practice and experiment
摘要 本文通过试验总结证明了根据炉型、水质、使用单位合理选择防垢防腐药剂是提高锅内水处理效果较好的前提。通过理论分析并根据锅炉加药试验情况总结出热水锅炉采取下列几种水处理方法,按照GB1576-2001《工业锅炉水质》标准控制锅水pH值在10~12范围内可以大幅度提高锅炉防腐效果,尤其是国家发展和改革委员会在2008年第36号公告中推荐的高效节能产品———YZ-101防腐阻垢剂更为节能环保打下了物质基础。 In This paper: according to the result of experiment about scal and corrosion inhibitor such as sodium polyacrylate ; sodium phosphate tribasic and sodium sulfite ; YZ-101 etc. In order to find out proper and economic water treat method for water boiler . summarized that boiler water treatment technic must be adapted to the quality of water ; model of the boiler and user s requst ; the pH value must be controled according to the GB1576-2001 Standard , this is precondition of Improving for boiler water treatment technic.
作者 苏勇
出处 《中国建设信息(供热制冷)》 2009年第6期59-61,共3页
关键词 热水锅炉 除氧药剂 协同效应 防腐阻垢剂 Water boiler Deoxidization Cooperating effect Scal and corrosion inhibitor
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