

Returned Students and the Innovation of the Chinese Enterprise Management During the1920's and 1930's
摘要 中国近代企业是伴随着中国早期工业化和现代化而出现的,它发端于19世纪60年代的洋务运动,但是以"求富"为目的的近代民营企业直到19世纪末20世纪初才逐渐兴起,在第一次世界大战前后获得了难得的发展机遇,不仅企业的数量大幅度增加,企业的管理水平也得到了明显提高。尤其在20世纪二三十年代,一批企业依靠科技管理人才特别是一批"海归派"企业家,对当时企业中普遍存在的浓厚的封建官僚体制、落后的工头制、传统的会计制度和任人唯亲的用人理念等,进行了大胆的革新:废除了工头制,确立工程师制;引进西方科学管理思想,推行科学管理;积极探索企业文化建设;注重以人为本,重视企业人力资源引进与开发。这一系列的管理革新,不仅提高了近代企业生产率,增强了企业竞争力,还促进了中国企业管理的科学化。留学生们对企业管理的革新精神和诸多理念,在当时引领时代潮流,即便在今天亦有借鉴价值。 Modem Chinese enterprises emerged accompanied by the early industrialization and modernization, which originated from the Westernization Movement in the sixties of the 19th century. Military enterprises were founded by Westernization Group with the goal of "seeking strength" and private enterprises followed. However, modern private enterprises with the purpose of " seeking prosperity" didn' t spring up until the late 19th century and the early 20th century, and got a rare opportunity for unprecedented development before and after the First World War. Not only did the number of enterprises substantially increase, but their management was improved. Particularly, during the1920' s and 1930' s, some enterprises, with the help of scientific and technological management talents, especially a group of the "returnees" entrepreneurs who returned from abroad, carried out a bold reform of the strong prevalent flavor of bureaucratic feudalism, the backward foreman system, the traditional accounting system and the concept of nepotism. Thus, the foreman system was abolished, the engineer system was established , Western scientific management ideas were introduced, scientific management was implemented , the construction of enterprise culture was actively explored, people-eenteredness and the introduction and development of corporate human resources were stressed. These innovations both improved the productivity of modern enterprises and enhanced their competitiveness, and promoted the scientifie management of Chinese enterprises. Returned students led the trend of the times at that time with the innovative spirit and ideas of the enterprise management, which, even today, have the value of reference.
作者 蒋国杰
出处 《徐州师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Xuzhou Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目<中国留学生与民国社会发展>(课题编号:2006JD/XM127 主持人:周棉)
关键词 留学生 企业管理 1920—1930年代 returned students enterprise management during 1920 - 1930
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