

Research on RLC Interconnect Delay Variation Induced by Thermal Effects
摘要 针对热效应导致RLC互连延时增加的现象进行了研究。提出了一种温度依赖的RLC互连延时模型。该模型可以用以量化热效应对互连延时的影响。仿真结果显示,对于RLC互连,温度每增加20℃,延时将会增加5%-6%。 Analysis of RLC interconnect ture-dependent RLC interconnect delay thermal effects on interconnect delay. roughly a 5 to 6 percent increase in the delay increase induced by thermal effects is presented. A tempera- model is proposed. The model is applied to quantify the impact of Results show that for each 20℃ increase in temperature there is delay for the RLC interconnect.
出处 《电子器件》 CAS 2009年第2期357-360,共4页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
基金 Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(60606006)
关键词 RLC互连 延时 热效应 增加 RLC interconnect delay thermal effects increase
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