Regular structured metallic foams might be prepared by sintering or bonding the hollow sphere particles, which are being attracted more interest for various applications. The properties of the final hollow-sphere metallic foams depend to a large extent on the properties of prefabricated hollow sphere particles. In the paper, the high porosity INCO-617 alloy hollow sphere particles were fabricated by sintering polystyrene spheres coated with a slurry, consisting of the PVA binder, alloy powders and dispersant, at temperature ranging from 1100 ℃ to 1230 ℃ in vacuum. The microstructures and mechanical properties of the hollow sphere particles were investigated under different sintering processes. The results show that the densities of INCO-617 alloy hollow sphere particles, increasing with the increase of sintering temperature and sintering time, range from 1.504 to 2.113 g/cm^3. Increase of sintering temperature and sintering time decreases the residual porosity of sphere wall obviously, which is the main factor to enhance the microhardness and compression properties of hollow sphere particles. Furthermore, with the residual porosity in the sphere wall decreasing, the tendency of hollow spheres toward brittle fracture under compression loading is suppressed.
Rare Metal Materials and Engineering