

Baggage Tracking System for Expo 2010 Shanghai
摘要 为缓解世博会期间大量游客给城市交通和宾馆住宿带来的巨大压力,并消除游客由于携带大宗行李带来的旅游不便,采用RFID技术,从信息环境、系统调度、集约运输等方面为2010年上海世博会构建行李跟随系统。研究表明,行李跟随系统可由8个相关子系统构成,在RFID技术支持下形成完整的作业流程,既便于集中管理行李,又方便游客即时查询行李跟随情况,保证行李准时到达。世博会游客通过行李跟随服务,便于安排旅游行程计划,同时将缓解世博会交通压力。 In order to relieve the great pressure of urban traffic and visitor lodging during Expo 2010 Shanghai, and to avoid inconvenience of carrying large items of baggage, this paper takes advantage of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and develops a baggage tracking system for Expo 2010 Shanghai from perspectives of information, system scheduling and integrated transportation. The study shows that baggage tracking system, consisting of 8 subsystems, has an integrative operation procedure with the support of RFID technology. The system is favorable to centralized management for baggage, as well as visitors' instant query and baggage' s arrival on time. Using baggage tracking system during Expo could make tourists feel convenient to schedule trips and relieve Expo traffic
作者 李林波 吴兵
出处 《城市交通》 2009年第3期57-61,共5页 Urban Transport of China
关键词 物流规划 集约运输 RFID技术 行李跟随系统 pressurelogistics planning intensive transportation RFID technology baggage tracing system
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