
颈椎前路单节段融合中加压钉和限制型固定板的力学特性 被引量:1

In vitro biomechanical study of cervical compression staple and anterior constrained cervical plate using a single level fusion model of the cervical spine
摘要 研究了一款颈椎前路加压钉在颈椎前路融合手术中临近椎体的应力。分别采用传统结构的固定板和新结构加压钉,对12具人体颈椎标本实施C4-C5节段椎间盘切除术后的前路融合固定,利用生物力学试验机和高精度三维运动测试系统进行试验,比较了两种不同结构固定板(钉)植入颈椎后在前屈15°或后伸20°运动条件下的融合性能,以及在50N及100N的轴向载荷条件下二者的静态载荷分布。结果表明:在固定效果上,前路加压钉和限制型前路固定板两者功能相仿,不存在显著差异;针对C4-C5椎间植入体上所承受的压力,选用前路加压钉较选用限制型前路固定板为佳。 The biomechanical characteristics of a low stiffness cervical compressive staple (CCS) were compared to those of an anterior constrained cervical plate (ACCP) using a single level fusion model to understand CCS properties. 12 human specimens with a C4-5 fusion with an interbody graft were tested in an in vitro biomechanical testing system. The specimens were tested for 15~ flexion and 20~ extension with the load sharing characteristics studied for 50 N and 100 N axial compression loads. The results show that the CCS has similar properties to the ACCP for the single level fusions and that the CCS performs better with the proper load on the graft.
出处 《清华大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期888-891,共4页 Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)
关键词 颈椎前路加压钉 限制性前路固定板 载荷分布 cervical compressive staple anterior constrained cervical plate load sharing
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