

Construction of portable force feedback platform based on Qt
摘要 目前力反馈应用程序需要依赖GLUT(OpenGL Utility Toolkit)软件进行场景刷新,必要时需要使用GLUI(OpenGLUser Interface Library)函数库创建简单的用户界面,所实现的交互功能和界面友好性十分有限。针对这个问题,设计并实现了一种基于Qt用户界面库的可移植力反馈平台。该平台通过设计基于Qt的力反馈功能模块,使用计时器刷新模块场景,能够保证图形场景的正确显示和力觉场景的正常渲染。实验结果表明,基于Qt的可移植力反馈平台,保证了程序的界面交互性和友好性,保留了原有程序的跨平台特性,运行时具有良好的稳定性,并为力反馈技术在虚拟油泥造型系统中的应用提供了有力的支持。 The force feedback applications needs GLUT to refresh the scenes, and needs GLUI build the simple graphic user interface if necessary, the application's interactive function and friendliness is limited. In order to solve the problem, a portable force feedback platform based on Qt is designed and implemented. The proposed method develops a force feedback module based on Qt, uses the timer refresh the scene, ensures the display of the graphic scene correctly, and renders the haptic scene at the same time. Experiment results demonstrate that the portable force feedback platform based on Qt, retain the application's interactive function and friendliness, reserve the property of cress-platform, and enhance the stability, sustain the force feedback technology's application in the virtual clay modeling system.
出处 《现代制造工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期4-7,94,共5页 Modern Manufacturing Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(50475145 50775185) 国家863高技术研究发展计划项目(2006AA04Z111) 陕西省自然科学基金项目(2004E201) 西安市科技计划项目(GG06027)
关键词 Qt界面库 可移植 力反馈平台 计时器 Qt portable force feedback platform timer
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