
基于HLA和组件技术的仿真训练系统扩展 被引量:7

Simulation Training System Extended Based on HLA and Component Technology
摘要 为促进各独立开发的仿真训练系统间互连、互操作和资源重用,在HLA框架下,应用组件技术对已有仿真训练系统进行扩展,将一些小的、各种形式的仿真应用,如各类模拟器或训练器,联合起来形成一个大的仿真训练系统。通过设计通用性强、可扩展性好的对象类结构体和对象实例结构体,可开发通用的联邦成员组件;通过开发联邦成员组件,可使各类语言环境开发的系统纳入到HLA框架中;通过封装联邦成员间数据交换过程,可有效屏蔽HLA/RTI程序开发复杂性,最终方便整合各类仿真资源。某型机模拟飞行训练系统扩展实践证明了该法的有效性。 To promote existing simulation training systems to be joined together and manipulate each other, High Level Architecture (HLA) and component technology were used. Universal and extendable structures of object classes and object instance classes were designed to write a universal federate component. The federate component was developed to encapsulate data exchange process through Run-Time Infrastructure (RT1) among federates. Using a federate component, all kinds of simulations programmed in different languages are easy to join bigger and higher system in HLA. Practice to expand some battle plane flight trainer to a cooperated and tactical training system proves its validity.
出处 《系统仿真学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期3273-3276,共4页 Journal of System Simulation
关键词 高层体系结构 组件 仿真训练 模拟器 训练器 HLA component technology simulation training simulator trainer
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