
多项选择题自动生成技术综述 被引量:1

Summary of Automatic Generation Technology of Multiple-Choice Items
摘要 论述目前多项选择题自动生成技术的研究现状及关键技术,给出一个一般模型,详细介绍模型中题干生成、干扰项生成和错题筛选三种技术,介绍多项选择题的评价指标和评价方法,给出目前中文多项选择题自动生成技术所面临的主要困难。 Probes into the present situation of Automatic Generation of Multiple-Choice Items (AGM-CI) and its key technology. In addition to the supply of a general pattern, introduces in detail, about the situation of the three technologies and their realization including the generation of stem in the pattern, the generation of distractors and the screening of problematic questions, offers both criterion and method for the assessment of multiple-choice questions, gives the major problems facing AIG in Chinese multiple-choice questions design.
出处 《现代计算机》 2009年第5期36-39,共4页 Modern Computer
关键词 题目自动生成技术 多项选择题 题干 干扰项 Automatic Item Generation Multiple-Choice Items Stem Distrators
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