

The Design and Implementation of Heterogeneous Multicore Architecture in a Processor-Configurable Environment
摘要 提出了一种针对特定多线程应用程序的异构多核结构设计方案.此方案通过进行指令集扩展,可以方便的构建异构多核结构,而且还兼有同构多核结构的特点.还给出了该结构在Tensilica平台上的实现方案,并且将运行Motion-JPEG程序得到的数据与同构结构下的数据相比较,验证了该设计方案的正确性以及高效性. This paper is to propose a design solution for heterogeneous multi core architecture according to a kind of specific applications. Heterogeneous structure, which also has the merit of homogeneous structure, can be constructed conveniently by instruction extension. Besides, it also shows the implementation of this structure on Tensilica platform, and compares the data gained by running Motion Jpeg on the structure to those gained on homogeneous structure, to validate the eorrecmess and high-effectiveness of our design.
作者 陈劭 付宇卓
出处 《微电子学与计算机》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期162-165,共4页 Microelectronics & Computer
基金 上海市科委基金(06SA16)
关键词 异构多核 指令集扩展 Tensilica多线程 heterogeneous multi-core instruction extension Tensilica multi-thread
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