
一种基于滑动窗能量检测的OFDM符号同步算法 被引量:4

An OFDM Symbol Synchronization Algorithm based on Sliding Window Energy Detection
摘要 文章提出了一种基于滑动窗能量检测来实现OFDM符号定时同步的算法。为了避免码间干扰(ISI),通常在帧的起始位置添加保护间隔。该算法正是利用该保护间隔信号能量最小的特点来寻找符号定时同步点。该算法分为粗同步和细同步,通过改变滑动窗的长度,两次寻求滑动窗内信号能量的最小值,来确定最佳的符号定时起点。文中给出了算法的具体步骤。仿真结果表明,该算法具有良好的估计精度。 An OFDM symbol synchronization algorithm based on the sliding window energy detection is presented in this paper. In order to avoid the inter-frame interference, a guard interval is added at the beginning of each frame. This algorithm makes use of the characteristic that the signal energy in guard interval is minimal for finding the symbol timing position. The algorithm includes two steps, i.e. the rough synchronization and the accurate synchronization. By changing the length of the sliding window and finding the minimum value of the symbol energy inside the sliding window two times, the optimal synchronization position is found. The realization of the algorithm is explained in detail in the paper. Simulation results show that the algorithm has high estimation accuracy.
作者 宋文政 彭华
出处 《通信技术》 2009年第6期31-33,共3页 Communications Technology
关键词 滑动窗 保护间隔 同步 符号定时 sliding window guard interval synchronization: symbol timing
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