
情绪智力三维结构模型的验证与应用 被引量:4

Validation and Application of Three Dimensional Model of Emotional Intelligence
摘要 以情绪智力三维结构模型为理论基础,编制了"企业员工情绪智力问卷";实证研究结果表明,三维结构在组织背景下具有科学性、合理性和实用性,"企业员工情绪智力问卷"具有较好的心理测量学指标;应用该问卷发现,企业员工的情绪智力随性别、年龄、学历和任职时间不同而存在显著性差异,并对差异性结果进行了探索性的分析与讨论。 Based on the three dimensional model of the emotional intelligence (EI), this study develops a questionnaire about emotional intelligence of employees. The .empirical study indicates that three dimensional model of emotional intelligence is scientific, reasonable and practicable in organizations and the questionnaire has acceptable indexes of psychological measurement. The result of the questionnaire analysis indicates that El varies evidently in gender, age, educational background and the duration of being employed. Some explorative analysis of variance is undertaken in this article.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2009年第6期788-793,共6页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70771009) 北京科技大学科研基金资助项目(00009071)
关键词 情绪智力 三维结构 员工 验证 emotional intelligence three dimension employee validation
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