
背景 动力 趋势 挑战——对我国城市设计发展前景的认识 被引量:1

Background,Impetus,Tendency,Challenge:Development Prospects of Urban Design in China
摘要 通过对我国城市设计20多年来的发展背景及其发展动力的认知,辨识城市设计的发展趋势与面临的挑战,从而把握城市设计的发展前景。 This article proposes cognition of development background and impetus of China's urban design in recent twenty years, which is beneficial for us to distinguish and recognize the development tendency and challenge based on the past and looking to the future in order to hold the development prospects of urban design.
作者 戴冬晖
出处 《华中建筑》 2009年第6期66-69,共4页 Huazhong Architecture
关键词 城市设计 发展趋势 挑战 Urban design, Development tendency, Challenge
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