
HPLC同时测定血液与尿液中的泼尼松和泼尼松龙 被引量:5

Simultaneous determination of Prednisone and Prednisolone in the blood and urine by HPLC
摘要 目的建立同时检测血、尿中泼尼松与泼尼松龙的方法。方法采用HPLC法,乙酸乙酯为样品萃取剂,以倍他米松作为内标,色谱柱为Zorbax SB—Aq柱,流动相为甲醇-0.01mol·L^-1KH2PO4(57:43)。结果泼尼松、泼尼松龙在血和尿中的线性范围分别为0.05~40.00ug·ml^-1(r≥0.9997)和0.04~50.00ug·ml^-1(r≥0.9991);两者在血和尿中的检测限分别为0.012、0.008ug·ml^-1,平均方法回收率为92.9%~106.3%,日内、日间精密度≤7.8%,萃取回收率≥85.4%。结论所建方法准确、灵敏、重复性好,可同时测定血、尿中的泼尼松与泼尼松龙。 OBJECTIVE To establish a method for simultaneous determination of Prednisone and Prednisolone in the blood and urine. METHODS The compounds were extracted from blood and urine using ethyl acetate as the solvent for liquid - liquid extraction and detected by HPLC with Betamethasone as the internal standard. Separation was achieved on Zorbax SB - Aq column using methanol -0. 01 mol. L^-1 potassium dihydrogen phosphate (57 : 43 ) as mobile phase. RESULTS The linear limits of Prednisone and Prednisolone ranged from 0.05 ug. ml^-1 to 40.00 ug. ml^-1 in the blood ( r ≥ 0. 9997 ) and 0.04ug. ml^-1 to 50.00ug. ml^-1 in urine ( r ≥ 0.9991 ) , respectively. The limits of detection for these two analytes were 0.012ug. ml^-1 and 0. 008ug. ml^-1 in the blood and urine, respectively. The intra and inter day assay precision of this method were no more than 7.8%. The mean recovery of Prednisone and Prednisolone in the blood and urine ranged from 92.9% to 106.3% , and the mean extraction recovery of these two analytes was no less than 85.4%. CONCLUSION The method is accurate, sensitive, well reproducible and suitable for simultaneous determination of Prednisone and Prednisolone.
出处 《华西药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期282-284,共3页 West China Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
关键词 高效液相色谱 泼尼松 泼尼松龙 血液 尿液 HPLC Prednisone Prednisolone Blood Urine
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