
一种简单的资源受限的群体演化模型 被引量:1

A Simple Model of Population Evolution with Limited Resource
摘要 在资源有限的环境中,生物竞争生存资源,能力强的个体较之能力弱的个体能够获取更多生存资源,有更多繁殖后代的机会。为了探究不同生存能力的个体构成的群体在资源有限的环境中的演化过程,提出一种简单的群体演化模型,刻画包含个体生命的复制、变异和死亡等生命特性的群体动力学。仿真结果显示个体能力强的群体规模逐渐增长,而个体能力弱的群体规模不断变小,但是由于相互变异的存在,最终群体规模趋于一个均衡值。这与模型预测的相符。 In limited resources environment, organisms compete for resources. As a result, skilled individual can acquire more resources than unskilled one, thus the former has more chance to reproduce. To study evolution of different population which consists of individuals with distinct skill, a simple model of population evolution is proposed, which depicts population dynamics involving individual's life characteristics, such as reproduction, mutation, and death. Results of simulation show that the size of population consisting of skilled individuals increases gradually, while the size of population consisting of unskilled individuals shrinks continuously. Because of mutual mutation, however, the size of each population tends to an equilibrium. The results coincide with prediction of model.
作者 秦进 李歆
出处 《复杂系统与复杂性科学》 EI CSCD 2009年第2期82-86,共5页 Complex Systems and Complexity Science
关键词 演化 群体动力学 环境资源 模型 evolution population dynamics environmental resources model
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