

On the role Played by Non-Governmental Organization in China
摘要 随着当代中国政治与经济改革的推进,以空间为存在前提的民间组织大量繁育。从社会治理的角度审视,中国民间组织的大量繁育无论在法律普遍性的获得、国家与社会价值目标的整合、社会多元利益的整合、限制国家权力和公民权利的滥用、公民文化的形成等理论层面上,还是在政治稳定、经济发展、社会福利、公共管理、社会生活等实践层面上都有利于社会的治理。政府和社会理应从资金来源、自主性建设、法制建设等诸方面加强民间组织建设。 As a result the pushing - forward of the political and economic reformation, an enormous number of non - governmental organizations have been multiplied in China. From the perspective of social governance, the multiplication of China' s non - governmental organizations are indeed beneficial to social governance either on the theoretical level of the acquirement of legal universality, the integration of the values and aims of state and society, that of the multiple interests of society, the restriction of the abuse of the state power and the civil fights, and the formation of a civil culture, or the practical level of political stability, economic development, social welfare, public governance, and social life. Consequently the government and society must help strengthen the construction of these organizations in terms of the allocation of funds, their autonomous construction, and that of legal system.
作者 孙来清
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2009年第3期158-160,F0003,共4页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 民间组织 理论价值 实践价值 non - governmental organizations theoretical values practical values
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