
基于内容的自适应音频水印研究综述 被引量:10

Overview of Content-Based Adaptive Audio Watermarking
摘要 按照时域、变换域2种常见的水印嵌入域,对音频水印技术进行了概述;针对第2代数字水印技术,重点介绍了基于内容的音频水印算法、自适应音频水印算法以及音频水印的同步技术,对它们的优缺点进行了评析.这些算法更强调将水印信息嵌入到音频信号的重要特征上,并与各音频段的自身特点相结合,具有鲁棒性强、不可听性好和较实用等优点,是新一代水印技术发展的趋势.最后,探讨了目前音频水印领域需要解决的问题及进一步研究的方向,这些问题的解决将对网络化音乐制品的知识产权保护与安全传播提供理论和技术支持. The digital audio watermarking techniques were summarized regarding the transform domain. To the second generation watermarking technique, the watermarking, adaptive audio watermarking and synchronization technique were e the time domain and content-based audio mphasized, and their merits and defects were analyzed. These techniques emphasize more that the watermark information is embedded into the important feature regions of audio signals and combined with the characteristic of various audio segments, so they have some advantages such as strong robustness, good inaudibility and practicability. Therefore, the content-based adaptive audio watermarking technique is the developing direction of watermarking techniques. Finally, the problems to be solved and the future research direction were discussed. The research on the problems will provide theoretical and technical supports for the copyright protection and reliable spread of the network music.
作者 王宏霞
出处 《西南交通大学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期430-436,447,共8页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(60702025) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金资助项目(20070613024) 四川省青年科技基金资助项目(07ZQ026-004) 西南交通大学发展基金(2006A04)的资助
关键词 音频水印 自适应 同步攻击 鲁棒性 人类听觉系统 audio watermarking adaptive watermarking synchronization attack robustness humanauditory system
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