
建筑施工扬尘排放因子定量模型研究及应用 被引量:30

Modeling and impact study of fugitive dust emissions from building construction sites
摘要 选择天津某建筑施工工地,现场采集大气中PM10气象、路面积尘及机动车数等数据,并确定施工扬尘排放的主要影响因素.利用FDM模型。计算掩工扬尘排放因子,将计算得到的扬尘排放因子和各影响因素进行非线性拟合,建立施工扬尘PM10排放因子定量模型,并结合ISC3模型,模拟计算2003年11~12月间,天津市建筑施工过程中的PM10排放浓度、结果表明,施工产生的PM10平均浓度为20.3μg/m^3,占大气PM10浓度的13.3%. A building construction site located in Tianjin urban area was selected for study of fugitive dust emission from construction process. The ambient PM10, surface dust, meteorological condition and traffic flux were measured on site. Based on the fugitive dust model (FDM), PM10 emission factors were calculated by a Flux-FDM method developed in this study. Then by using nonlinear fitting, a quantitative mathematical model of PM10 emission factor for building construction was developed on the basis of measured data. By combination of the emission factor model and the Industrial Source Complex Model (ISC3), the impact of PMlo emissions from Tianjin construction sites on urban ambient air was simulated. The calculated average concentration of PM10 from construction sites was 20.3μg/m^3 between November and December, 2003, accounting for 13.1% of ambient air PM10.
出处 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期567-573,共7页 China Environmental Science
基金 天津市科技发展计划(043804611)
关键词 扬尘 施工 排放因子 FDM ISC3 fugitive dust construction emission factor FDM ISC3
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