
基于SPN的信息系统生存性分析建模研究 被引量:4

Modeling of Information System Survivability Analysis Based on SPN
摘要 研究基于随机Petri网(SPN)的信息系统生存性分析建模方法.首先,将信息系统抽象为请求组件、通信组件、处理组件和存储组件4个部分;其次,将信息系统工作流程形式化描述和生存性分析建模相结合,并分别描述了通用信息系统、系统组件失效修复、串联并接、冗余以及具有可生存属性组件的随机Petri网建模方法.从而对系统形式化描述的同时对系统生存性能做了定性和定量分析;最后,仿真实验证明基于SPN建模方法分析信息系统生存性的有效性和准确性,并为可生存的信息系统设计提供理论基础和指导. The modeling method of information system survivability analysis based on stochastic Petri net is presented for system survivability design in this paper. First, network information system is divided into request modules, communication modules, processing modules, and storage modules for simplifying the SPN model according to its work flow. Next, formal description of system working flow is combined with survivability analysis modeling, and also described are the SPN modeling method of universal information system model, service disabled models, failure-recovery models, modules redundancy models, and survivability attribute models which include resistance, recognition, recovery and adaptation. Accordingly, Renew is used, which is an efficient SPN tool to exam and then puts forward relevant algorithms and programs which are realized by Java language to make quality and quantity analysis of system survivability. Finally, simulation experiment shows that this approach has more description ability and expansibility than the stochastic process algebra method. When there are some changes in the simulation system, the model can 0nly change its corresponding modules to make a new experimental result. All the experiments prove correctness and effectiveness of the modeling method of information system survivability analysis based on SPN. This survivability analysis model can provide theoretical basis and guide for designing a survivable information system.
出处 《计算机研究与发展》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1019-1027,共9页 Journal of Computer Research and Development
基金 国家"八六三"高技术研究发展计划基金项目(2006AA01Z451)~~
关键词 信息系统 生存性 随机PETRI网 服务生存性 生存性分析模型 information system survivability stochastic Petri net service survivability survivability analysis model
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