Objective: To study the effect of pre - operation imaging assessment on localization of cerebrospinal rhinorrhea, and to ex- plore the feasibility of operation - approach decision accord - ing to images. Methods: 32 patients with cerebrospinal rhinorrhea were done high - resolution CT and MRC images before operation by which we selected properly operative approaches. Finishing operation, We retro- gressively analyzed the specificity and accuracy of pre - operation rhinorrhea - localization by HRCT or MRC images or by both of them. Mo- reover, according to follow - up results after operation, we analysed the effect of operative treatment under rhinorrhea - localization by the ima- ges. Results: The accuracy rating of pre - operation rhinorrhea - localization by CT and MRC were 82% and 84% respectively, was 95% by both of them. There are significant difference of pre - operation rhinorrhea - localization and operation rhinorrhea - localization in HRCT or MRC or both of them. Conclusion: Integrating the high - resolution CT and MRC images together for analysis will dentify the cerebrospinal rhinorrhea more effectively and help the doctors to decide the operation approach more efficiently than by any of them alone.
Gansu Medical Journal
Cerebrospinal rhinorrhea
high- resolution CT
MR cistemography angiography, assessment on localization
operation -therapy