This paper describes the innovative practices associated with the Colombia National Urban Transport Program (NUTP) and summarizes experiences and lessons revealed from the experience to date. The NUTP is implementing locally-executed integrated mass transit systems (IMTS) through bus rapid transit systems (BRT) and institutional and public sector development approaches. The simultaneous implementation and operation of multiple systems creates significant synergies and economies of scale, as part of a sustainable financial strategy for improving mobility in the country. The innovation is regarded in a three-fold level: i) At the Program level, through the NUTP by providing a sustainable umbrella framework for the financing and technical collaboration between the National Government and the participating Cities. The GoC provides up to 70% of the funding for eligible infrastructure financing while the remaining funding is provided by the cities; ii) At the Municipal level, through outsourcing the operation of transit services to the private sector, participating cities are able to deliver efficient and good quality services, and iii) At the project level, through integrated mass transit systems based on bus rapid transit networks, institutional development and operational enhancements for large and intermediate cities, with milestone implementations of urban development projects that have spurred socio-economic benefits and improved the lives of Colombian city dwellers.
Urban Planning International